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"Everyday diplomacy" panel discussion at the nato youth summit

The Everyday Practice of Democracy
Moderator: Professor Teresa Longo, Senior International Officer, William & Mary
The Honorable Elizabeth Jones, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Department of State
Alexa Dominique Pascual, Women’s Empowerment Activist and Young Advocate
The Honorable Russell E. Travers ‘78, Senior Advisor, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; former Acting and Deputy Director, National Counterterrorism Center; and former Deputy Director of Homeland Security, National Security Council

At the High level political forum at the united nations headquarters.I got the chance to meet fellow young advocates from around the world. to develop new solutions for the sdg agenda and to increase awareness about women's rights and climate change. 


It's a great opportunity to be part of the UNA-USA press corps delegation at the UN! And representing In Network: National Security Academy. We are looking forward to creating a more sustainable world by empowering the youth to be involved in foreign policy. We also got the opportunity to discuss with the UN Spokesperson about the importance of youth involvement in journalism and foreign policy. As a press corps member of UNA USA my task is to promote the importance of youth empowerment on social media and to coordinate with the communications team of the UN Foundation. All throughout UN Summits our task is to spread awareness in social media about youth leadership and diplomacy. I am also tasked to improve communication about international relations and to educate the youth about the importance of foreign affairs. During GES I also got to speak with the UN Spokesperson about issues that affect the youth in terms of misinformation, human rights and foreign policy. I also got to share our insights on how we can empower youth to be in journalism and leadership.


It is such a great opportunity to be one of your ambassadors representing New York and Indiana University (Online) for the campaign “United To Beat Malaria” which is organized by the UN Foundation. Join me and the team to prevent malaria, because as you guys  know malaria has been giving negative effects to our health. We should continue advocating about the prevention of malaria to develop solutions on different ways to prevent this issue. My fellow advocates and I from across the US, are developing solutions with our members of congress to prevent the spread of this disease. Thank you so much UN Foundation for this great opportunity. 

Ahead of the UNGA I am here to brief congress with the United to Beat Malaria campaign and United Nations Foundation ! Lets go team New York! I am looking forward to discuss the US foreign policy and domestic policy about different solutions to prevent malaria.

On behalf of @BeatMalaria, I would like to thank  the office of Jerry Nadler for meeting with us today and for Congress’s continued support of @PMIGov and The Global Fund, we can be the generation to 
#BeatMalaria for good!

With Senator Jack Reed’s office we were able to talk about the dangers of malaria when it comes to our military. According to the Department of Defense, one of the main factors that is affecting our military is the disease malaria. Especially to our military serving in Africa, there has been concerns of health issues and deaths from our military because of this disease. The team and I gave some policy recommendations to prevent this virus from spreading to safeguard our citizens and the military.

UNGA (United Nations General Assembly)

 Here at the UNGA! I am looking forward in collaborating and negotiating with other young advocates about women’s rights,diversity and the prevention of climate change. I am looking forward to talk to officials and activists on different ways we can improve our countries policies and the SDG agenda. Tomorrow we have the chance to listen to world leaders and officials in their speeches and take part in collaborations and discussions.


Day 2 at the UNGA! We are looking forward to continue to negotiate on the improvement of the SDG agenda, climate change and human rights agenda! We have a full day of meetings with world leaders and UN offcials about the impovement of foreign policy and international development. It is great to meet other advocates with different points of views in each policy. Little by little we can continue to find different ways to make our world improve, with different perspectives in the table innovative solutions would be made. I have met people with different point of views when it comes to human rights. However, in diplomacy we would always disagree on something but it is not impossible to find common ground. As I advocate about the importance of the freedom to choose as a woman, progress would be made.

I am so delighted to be invited to the thank you event for the UN Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake with the presence of US Department of State Official US Envoy for Youth @Abby Finkenaur. I am so greatlful to meet other young leaders and aspiring diplomats at the UNGA.

International Youth Conference 

"International Youth Conference" discussion about the importance of human rights and youth leadership. I was able have a discussion alongside other young leaders from around the world. The event is held as a UNGA side event. It is great to interact with other young advocates about the importance of gender equality and human rights. 

I am here today at the United Nations Foundation to talk to the United To Beat Malaria Campaign and Girl Up, United Nations Foundation to find different ways to prevent malaria from spreading and to promote gender equality. I was able to advocate about the importance of safeguarding women and girls around the world and the importance of improving our health system. I was able to share about my experience as a youth delegate and what I learned from my international counterparts. And how our countries could collaborate on discussions. Thank you so much The united nations for this opportunity!


IN Network at the United Nations 


This week we are at the UN with UNA USA to discuss themes regarding national security, human rights, and other important issues. We also had the opportunity to share the mission of IN Network with members of the UN and with our counterparts to spread the importance of reaching the new generation. 

It is great to be a youth advisor for gender policy for "in network" and advise the Director of the Office of Countering Violent Extremism of the U.S. Department of State Dexter Ingram. We had the opportunity to talk about issues that concern the youth in terms of human rights, women's rights, security and climate change. We also were able to learn about the importance of having the youth involved to create a more prosperous society. Thank you so much IN Network: The National Security Academy for helping us in career development for international security and on helping us represent US foreign policy in youth diplomacy.

The Global Network of Political Leaders serving as your international director for youth and gender affairs

I am happy to announce that I have just been nominated to be the new International Director of Youth and Gender Affairs for the Global Network of Political Leaders. The organization is a non-profit and volunteer organization consisting of young leaders who aim to create a positive impact in our world today. I will be coordinating with advocates and fellow members from around the world, to formulate plans to promote the SDG Agenda of the United Nations.

I am looking forward to leading a group of young leaders and their team of advocates to further our plan for the improvement of women’s rights, the right for women to be leaders in foreign affairs, promote the importance of women’s peace and security agenda in the field of national security, to amplify young voices in advocacy/diplomacy, educate people about the right information when it comes to international relations and to promote the importance of protecting women and girls worldwide. I will be working with youth advocates and their teams who are from all across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania to learn from one another on how to further the UN’s agenda on youth empowerment and women’s empowerment. We will also be learning from one another and we will be brainstorming ideas on how we can adapt our recommendations, on how we could further our agenda on empowering the youth. I look forward to working with passionate young leaders and formulating policies for the improvement of our world.

See the post here:

The united nations association of the united states of america


sdg 5 (gender equality) global goals ambassador

 I am thrilled to be chosen to be the United Nations Association of the United States of America Global Goals Ambassador for SDG #5 (Gender Equality). I can’t wait to educate and be the voice of all American youth for gender equality. In my time as an ambassador, I will get the chance to raise awareness about the importance of female representation in diplomacy/national security, the women’s peace and security agenda, the prevention of gender-based violence, the prevention of human trafficking on the media, the prevention of misinformation about women’s rights and the importance of normalizing women’s empowerment throughout civil society and government. I will also get the opportunity to represent UNA USA at the UN and all other high-level summits, to be the voice of the youth and women in the fight for gender equality. I would get to improve local engagement to create awareness about the importance of the SDGs, we get to hear from people on how we could improve the SDG agenda, participate in discussions about our topic of specialty and we also get to do monthly briefings about our progress as an ambassador
The Summit of the Future and the United Nations General Assembly
I had the opportunity to represent DMUN Foundation and the United Nations Association of the United States of America as your SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Global Goals Ambassador. I was able to represent young voices, American youth at UNGA 79, and emphasize the need for women's rights and youth inclusion in diplomacy.
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I had a great opportunity to connect with youths from all across the United States at the United Nations Association of the United States of America Leadership Summit. We got to create policy recommendations for our Members of Congress , and we also got to develop new solutions on how to make our country a better place for the future generation. I am also super excited to join UNA-USA for the Gender Equality Development Session for the Human Rights Declaration for American Youth. I am really excited to be collaborating with youths from across the US. We will be finding solutions to improve women’s rights across the country, and to improve the human rights domestic and foreign policy of the U.S. It is a great opportunity to be one of the speakers for this event, and to be able to inspire the youth on the importance of female representation at the field of politics and diplomacy.  
It was great to catch up with United Nations Association of the United States of America We discussed on how we the youth can develop the climate change foreign policy and domestic policy of The United States. I got to talk to other young activists from across the country on how to better resources for American youth to learn about the dangers of climate change. I also got to hear concerns from young advocates from rural states on the challenges of resources for climate education and human rights. Thank you so much UNA-USA for this informative discussion.

I had the chance to talk to women from across the U.S. about the challenges of human rights and gender equality. We were able to discuss issues on human trafficking, the prevention of the violation of women’s rights and what we can do to bring more resources for women experiencing sexual abuse. It was great to learn from women from different states, on different ways we can combat gender discrimination. We also developed new ideas on how to improve the human rights foreign policy and domestic policy of the United States. Enhancing this policy, will protect our citizens from inequality and assault. It was great to be the voice of American youth to combat this issue. Thank you 
United Nations Association of the United States of America for this informative discussion.


I am deeply honoured to have been a delegate for the “The World Bank Youth Summit” I got the opportunity to represent Hallmark International Youth Club and The United States of America. I was able to talk about the imprortance of women’s rights and about the importance of female representation in the field of development and foreign relations. It was such a great experience to also collaborate and negotiate with my international counterparts from around the world. We talked about different policies on how we can improve international development and foreign relations worldwide.

My fellow youth delegates and I had a great discussion with the International Monetary Fund at the world bank youth summit, about career development and how economics is related to foreign relations and politics. we also talked about different solutions to create a prosperous environment, and to end poverty in developing countries.

MEETINGS AT THE WHITE HOUSE with senior staffers and national security council officials

Stay tuned! Cassian Persico Peña and I had the chance to interview Amanda Mansour Senior Director, Partnerships & Global Engagement National Security Council The White House, for our latest project for IN network national security academy. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us and to share your insights about women’s empowerment, youth empowerment and your journey to become an NSC official.



It is such a great opportunity to be invited to the White House to talk to the Deputy Assistant to the President and Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Senior Liaison Erika Moritsugu about the importance of diversity in US foreign policy, empowerment of all Asian American’s to be in leadership, youth empowerment, IN Network: The National Security Academy Globally and women’s empowerment.


nato 75th anniversary public forum

At the NATO Public Forum. I am deeply honored to be invited by NATO Public Diplomacy Division to represent American youth at the 75th anniversary of NATO. I am also here to represent IN Network: The National Security Academy Globally specializing in women’s rights and the prevention of misinformation. During the summit, I  had a chance to talk to the Foreign Minister of Slovenia, the President of Kosovo and President Sveta about the importance of female leadership and preventing the spread of disinformation. We also got to talk about IN Network: The National Security Academy and what we do to mobilize youth to be involved in foreign policy and leadership. I also got to watch Secretary Anthony Blinken, Secretary Austin, The President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak, the National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the President of Korea and the Vice President of the EU’s speech about the importance of supporting Ukraine and securing the NATO alliance.

The united nations high-level political forum. High level ministerial meeting.

I am here today at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum. I got the opportunity to represent the American Youth Major Group for Children and Youth, specializing in the prevention of gender-based violence and the prevention of misinformation. I also got to participate in a G20 meeting with civil society leaders, about the importance of youth empowerment, the dangers of disinformation and female representation in diplomacy. We also had a great meeting today with the US Mission to the UN about the importance of youth involvement, the SDG Agenda, the Women’s Peace and Security Agenda and the responsible use of AI. The team and I also got to attend a reception hosted by the German Mission to the United Nations. We got to meet German diplomats and staffers. During the summit, I got to meet Ambassador Chris Lu of the US Mission to the United Nations, and I also got to participate in a meeting with the UN Youth Office and the UN Ambassador to Cyprus. 

G20 Civil Society Leaders Meeting. 

working with major group for children and youth and the un secretary general's youth office at the high level political forum

It is a great honor to represent the youth at the United Nations High Level Political Forum. I would like to thank the Major Group for Children and Youth and the Youth Office of the Secretary-General for allowing us to speak for the youth and to advise officials on what concerns the youth. As a women’s rights advocate, I am dedicated to continuing my work on inspiring women to be leaders, to prevent gender-based violence from occurring worldwide and locally and normalize the idea of having female leaders in male-dominated fields, such as as national security and foreign policy. It is about time to create change and formulate progressive policies, to make our world a sustainable place. I was also able to meet Ambassadors, the UN Secretary General’s Office, I got to participate in a meeting about the importance of clean water with Ministers worldwide, G20 Civil Society Leaders Meeting, the Assistant Secretary General for the Youth Felipe Paullier Olivera and officials and take part in meetings with them so that they could hear our concerns on what affects the youth in international affairs. We got to share our perspectives about different issues as youth advocates and showcase that the youth have a place in foreign policy. We are the next generation and the next leaders of this world. 

we youth delegates are more motivated than ever to continue our work and to prepare for the next summit. You can count on us to represent the youth at the UN, we will always have your back. We will always be your voice and we will make sure to represent the youth the best way we can.

At the U.S. Department of State

We are here at the U.S. Department of State with IN Network: The National Security Academy. We got to talk to State Department staffers about improving youth involvement in foreign policy, learn about crisis management and how our embassies and military safeguard our citizens abroad, especially in countries that are facing conflict. We also got to talk to Diplomat Daniel Stoian about the importance of diversifying foreign policy and the importance of making diplomacy accessible to all people.

Nomination to be a youth delegate for the United Nations General Assembly and The Summit of The Future representing DMUN Foundation as their U.S. representative.

It is great to be nominated by DMUN Foundation to represent the youth at the United Nations General Assembly and the Summit of the Future and specialize on the prevention of gender based violence on how this issue is a concern for our security, the importance of female leadership, the importance of the safe use of digital media , the importance of climate education for the youth/women and the prevention of misinformation. We look forward to speaking to ambassadors, youth advocates, international dignitaries and foreign ministers about issues that concern young people to represent the youth the best way possible. We also aim to give the youth perspective at the diplomatic table and to empower more young voices in diplomacy. We will also get the chance to observe meetings of ambassadors and officials, and cooperate in discussions with other advocates from worldwide. We also look forward to work alongside United Nations Youth Office , United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs , ECOSOC Major Group for Children and Youth and the Secretary General’s Office with my fellow youth delegates and colleagues Fale Andrew Lesa who is the representative for new Zealand for dmun  and Jaewon Choi in this summit. I want to thank the team for your nomination and your trust in us to represent the youth the best way possible in UNGA and the Summit of The Future.

Go check our article at our newsroom!

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I had a great discussion  with my Ukrainian youth counterpart from the World Bank youth summit Anna Povarnina. We discussed about the importance of women’s empowerment ,  youth advocacy and the benefits o a stronger alliance.


Women Empowerment message on the importance of gender equality and the issues of women's rights in afghanistan and the ongoing partnership of the saudi arabian government and the U.S. government.  for the united nations of Canada "digital equity program" as a youth mentor. 


Hey everyone come watch me ask the first lady of iceland, Eliza Reid. about the importance of youth advocacy and women's rights.


iT IS GREAT TO SERVE AS A Youth Advisor for Gender Policy and Security with focus on Europe and the Middle East. (Foreign Affairs Youth Advisory Team)
In Nework: National Security Academy is an organization established by The Director of the Office of Countring Violent Extermism of the US Department of State. As a youth mentor specializing in Gender policy , European affairs and Middle Eastern affairs, I advise the organization on how to improve gender equality worldwide and to collaborate with organizations in Europe, West Asia and the Middle East. We youth advisors also create reports for the director and the organization to be aware on what concerns the youth in human rights. My goal as a youth mentor is to educate the youth about the importance of women’s empowerment and to improve female representation in the field of national security. Alongside, my fellow youth mentors and the director we plan to bring awareness about the importance of youth leadership and advocacy.

Certificate of completion for the digital equity program as a youth mentor. thIS CERTIFICATE WAS GRANTED BY the united nations association in canada and the government of canada.


I would want to thank United to Beat Malaria United Nations Foundation for this opportunity to share my work as a women’s rights and global health advocate. I got to talk about the importance of women having access to healthcare, equal opportunities for women to get help if affected by malaria , the importance of reproductive health and the importance of empowering youth to participate in advocacy. I also talked about the importance of female leadership and on having more women in politics and diplomacy worldwide. I also got the chance to speak with advocates from across the country about the importance of the improvement of our health system to prevent malaria. We also contributed to policy development for our members of congress.



Come watch me speak with these amazing advocates on April 21 hosted by Shreyaa Venkat. I will be speaking about women’s empowerment and the importance of diversity in the field of foreign policy. Representing American youth, I would get the chance to share my experiences as a woman in advocacy and the importance of climate education for all women. I will also talk about my transition from circus artist to youth advocate. Come join me in this discussion alongside all of these amazing youth advocates and professionals on an informative discussion about international relations and world issues.

meeting with white house deputy assistant to the president for asian american and nhip erika moritsugu

Today I got to have a conversation with the White House Deputy Assistant to the President for Asian American and NHPI Erika Moritsugu. We talked about the importance of women’s representation and Asian representation at the field of diplomacy. As I embark on my next chapter in DC serving my home country the United States, I am happy to begin my advocacy for the American people when it comes to women’s empowerment and diversity. We also got to talk about IN Network: The National Security Academy and our projects on increasing diversity in the diplomatic and intelligence community. As we continue our advocacy for diversity nothing is impossible to create a more sustainable world.

foreign policy for america- Biden victory fund
It is great to have a conversation with former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and Ruffus Gifford about the importance of youth empowerment and women’s rights. I also got the opportunity to watch their panel discussion about their work in government. I would want to thank Foreign Policy for America and The Biden and Harris Campaign for this invite.


Aerial hoop

European Union DAY- Washington dc

Representing IN Network: The National Security Academy and American youth I was able to go to the Italian Embassy and French Embassy in DC. Every year all European embassies are open to DC locals to celebrate the strong relationship we have with the European Union. I was able to have discussions with foreign service officers about the importance of youth empowerment and women’s rights. As we continue our strong relations with the EU, through trade, humanitarian aid and defence the alliance will be stronger than ever.

US - EU RELATIONS (Youth advocates)

As one of our projects for IN Network: The National Security Academy we got the chance to have a discussion with Giulia Tariello the European Union Delegation to the United Nations Youth Delegate. We learned about the importance of US-EU relations when it comes to humanitarian aid, education and human rights. We also learned about Italian politics and the economic situation in Italy. As part of our discussion, we also got to share our insights about the importance of human rights and education and how we could collaborate with European youth to promote human rights and raise awareness about the importance of being educated about foreign policy.



It was wonderful to meet with Marc Tilley UK Youth Delegate to the United Nations and COP27! Our discussion revolved around issues concerning British youth, COP climate conferences, and UK foreign policy.


It was wonderful to meet with Josh Oxby, UK-Scottish Youth Delegate to the United Nations and COP28! Our discussion revolved around issues concerning British youth, NATO, and UK foreign policy.

us - Portugal (interview with portuguese a youth advocate, Rogrigo martins) 

It was wonderful to meet with Rodrigo martin, Portuguese Youth Delegate to the UN! He has worked for the Portuguese Embassy and the Czech Republic. Our discussion revolves around Portuguese politics, foreign policy, and economic development.


I would like to thank The World Bank for this opportunity for me to speak about IN Network: The National Security Academy about our project for women’s rights, diversity and inclusion in the field of national security and foreign policy.

I also got the chance to present my proposal with my counterparts worldwide to World Bank officials. We talked about the importance of the prevention of climate change, education and human rights. We were able to discuss the importance of allocating the right resources to projects, stakeholders and NGOs for projects to continue.

advocacy day at capitol hill and senate with una-usa 

We had a good conversation with the office of Congressman Goldman, the Committee on Homeland Security, Senator Chuck Schemer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Jerry Nadler. We talked about the importance of funding the UN, the importance of strengthening the relationship we have with our allies, strengthening national security, increasing funding for humanitarian aid, US- UN relations and how can diplomacy can benefit local policy. I would also want to thank the United Nations Association of the United States of America for this opportunity. I also got to have a conversation with Senator Van Hollen who is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee about the important of women’s rights and youth empowerment in the field of foreign relations. 

With Senator Van Hollen

With Congressman Jerry Nadler

With Congressman Goldman's Office

With Congressman Jerry Nadler's Office

With Senator Schumer's Office

With Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Office



Alexa Dominique Pascual is a women’s rights advocate, international security researcher and a social media advocate. She specializes in European affairs, national security , gender  policy  and security policy. She is from New York, lived in Montreal for five years to work as a circus performer and dancer, and now based in Washington DC. She is a youth delegate at The World Bank, where she represents The United States of America and the importance of the prevention of the false use of AI and misinformation on the media. She is passionate about advancing women’s empowerment, diversity in US politics, education, and human rights worldwide, and has negotiated policy with her international youth counterparts on these issues. She is also a youth delegate and speaker for the NATO Youth Summit 2023 where she spoke alongside The US Department of State and the National Security Council of the White House , UN High Level Political Forum and the UN General Assembly, where she engages in discussions on the prevention of gender based violence, the importance of female leadership, prevention of human trafficking in the media, the prevention of misinformation , and the prevention of the false use of AI and how it could be a national security threat. She represented Major Group for Children and Youth and DMUN Foundation in all High- Level UN summits where she promotes the importance of youth empowerment and women’s rights. She is also the current International Director for Youth and Gender Affairs for Global Network of Political Leaders. She was a youth delegate to the NATO 75th Anniversary where she was selected by NATO Public Diplomacy Division to represent the NATO Youth Summit and the Women’s Peace and Security Agenda. She also did a project with the National Security Council of the White House to interview the Special Assistant to the President and Director for Partnerships and Global Engagement of the NSC about what it is like to be in national security and to educate youth about a possible career in national security. She also worked with the Director of the US Department of State of Countering Violent Extremism for his non-profit to advise him about the importance of youth involvement in foreign policy. She is also the current SDG 5 Global Goals Ambassador for UNA USA, where she does projects to promote the SDG agenda and women's rights all across the US and to be the voice of American youth at the United Nations. She did her undergrad at Marymount Manhattan College majoring in International Relations and Indiana University Online majoring in Political Science and Government. She is currently a graduate student at American University majoring in International Affairs: Global Governance,Politics and Security.

Credits: Sacha Bourque






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